Balances & Weighing
Laboratory balances for weighing chemicals, components, small items using top pan, precision, semi micro and analytical balances with varying maximum weights and readabilities down to five decimal places.

Baths & Circulators
Stirred, unstirred and boiling baths, cooled and shaking baths. Circulators with accurate control to achieve below ambient temperatures.

Data logging equipment for temperature, humidity, pressure and combinations of other parameters. Remote sensors and wired options available.

Glass Washers / Disinfectors
Professional and basic line glasswashers including jet washing and forced air drying versions, backed by our professional servicing and repair facilities.

Hotplate Stirrers
Hotplates and hotplate stirrers are available in various formats including single or multiple platforms in both analogue and digital display formats.

Liquid Handling
Liquid handling encompasses Bottle top dispensers, Manual pipettes, Multichannel pipettes, Specialist pipettes, Repeators and Titrators

Meters for Measurement
Meters for Water Quality testinq, COD, Density, Conductivity and Light measurement. Most meters are available as Hand held, Benchtop and Multi-parameter including Colorimeters, Osmometers, Spectrophotometers and Single parameter instruments.

A range of Microscopes including Metallurgic and Fluorescent Microscopes including camera options and accessories for customisation.

Mixing, Shaking & Stirring
A complete range of equipment for mixing, stirring and shaking for most applications.

Sample Preparation
Sample preparation includes Homogenisers both hand held and benchtop, blenders and grinding mills for preparing solid samples for further analysis. Rotary evaporators and Stomachers for liquid preparations and grinding mills for hard and brittle material.

General purpose thermometers, digital and Infrared. Oil quality monitors, hygrothermometers and temperature calibration.

Viscometers and Viscometry bath accessories